terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2008


John Mc Cain é de todos os candidatos à Presidência dos Estados Unidos o que tem melhor perfil como homem de carácter, coragem e convicções. Lutou pelo seu país na linha da frente enquanto uns fugiam para a Suécia e outros faziam o serviço militar no conforto do homeland da Guarda Nacional. Feito prisioneiro em combate suportou estoicamente as torturas físicas e psicológicas dos comunistas em Hanói, recusando qualquer facilidade ou privilégio e recusando-se a ser libertado a troco de quaisquer críticas ao seu país. Como Senador pelo Arizona mostrou sempre uma grande independência em relação ao seu próprio partido ou a interesses corporativos dos seus eleitores. É um patriota americano e um conservador esclarecido avesso a fundamentalismos primários.
Se eu fosse americano votava por ele. A seguir transcrevo da edição de hoje do WSJ
John McCain's victory in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary appears to be paying off.

Sen. John McCain wins 34 percent of registered Republicans in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll.

The senator from Arizona is the front-runner in the battle for the Republican presidential nomination, according to the first national poll taken after the New Hampshire primary.

McCain has the support of 34 percent of registered Republicans in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey out Friday. That's a 21-point jump from the last CNN/Opinion Research poll, taken in December, well before the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary earlier this month.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who won the Iowa Republican caucuses, is in second place in the new survey, with 21 percent of those registered Republicans polled supporting him for the GOP nomination. Check out the poll »

Rudy Giuliani follows with 18 percent, a drop of six points from the December poll, when the former New York City mayor was the front-runner.

"Only McCain gained support among Republicans nationally. McCain's now the clear Republican front-runner," said Bill Schneider, CNN senior political analyst.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is in fourth place, with the backing of 14 percent of registered Republicans, with former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee at 6 percent, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas at 5 percent, and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California at 1 percent.

These results have a sampling error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

"Giuliani has lost the 'inevitability factor.' Back in October, half of all Republicans nationwide said that he was most likely to win the nomination. Now that is down to 15 percent. McCain is now seen as the most likely GOP nominee -- 45 percent feel that way about him, up from 13 percent in October," said CNN polling director Keating Holland.

1 Comentários:

Blogger Paulo Soska Oliveira disse...

Eu alinharia mais pelo Obama.
De qualquer forma, julgo que depois de ouvir 'Dark Side of the Moon' dos míticos Pink Floyd também concordaria comigo :)

Saudações ex-ISCSPianas.

quarta-feira, janeiro 16, 2008 11:57:00 da tarde  

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