Diversos inquéritos de opiniãosão unânimes em mostrar que John Mc Cain é o candidato republicano mais capaz de bater Hilary Clinton e de medir forças com Barak Obama em Novembro deste ano. Transcrevo a seguir parte de um artigo WSJ, edição deste fim de semana, nesse sentido
(...)"He can work with anybody," Mr. Freid said, explaining Mr. McCain's appeal to independents.
Eric Fehrnstrom, a Romney spokesman, didn't address his candidate's performance in head-to-head polling with Democrats. "The Republican who beats the Democrat in November will be the candidate who can most effectively make the case that he will bring change to Washington and provide leadership on the economy," Mr. Fehrnstrom said.
Mr. Romney's electability pitch is based on his status as a Washington outsider. Earlier this month in New Hampshire, he decried sending the "same faces" back to Washington in "different chairs."
Mr. Romney also says his two wins in Michigan and Nevada are harbingers for wins in those swing states in November. "If you can win those two states, Michigan and Nevada, it means you put together quite the coalition and have been able to make the kind of inroads you have to make to take the White House," he said Saturday in Florida.
Mr. Giuliani, who needs to do well in Florida to lift his flagging status nationally, also has his supporters concerned about November. Don Jaffin, a 77-year-old living in Florida, is leaning toward Mr. Giuliani because he will "get down in the dirt with Hillary, which would be the dirtiest campaign in American history," he said after a Romney event Tuesday at the Republican Jewish Coalition of Florida. "I'll tell you who I'm for. I'm for whoever can beat Hillary."
Charlie Black, one of Mr. McCain's top advisers, doesn't think most voters are overly strategic. "Very few people vote on electability," he said yesterday. Exit polls in South Carolina, for instance, showed only 6% ranked the ability to win in November above three other choices: values, shared beliefs, and experience.
That fact doesn't prevent Mr. Black from taking Mr. Romney's electability pitch down a notch. "Romney has a poor case to make on that," he said, noting that Mr. Romney tends to have higher negative ratings than Mr. McCain and does worse in head-to-head matchups against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. "If I were him, I'd change the subject."
2 Comentários:
Veremos se o mundo será governado por mais um republicano, após a "saída" de George W. Bush, ou "abrirá as portas" a um democrata. Digo o mundo porque a hegemonia norte-americana, embora constantemente "desafiada" por potências emergentes (i.e. futuras superpotências, mas não sabemos quando ao certo), continua a reinar o nosso pequeno planeta que aparenta ser grande. We'll see it sooner!
Daniela G.
Caro Jaime Nogueira Pinto,
Do ponto de vista da personalidade, MC Cain é o único que parece ter pulso para representar o cargo máximo dos EUA.
Com toda a certeza será Mc Cain o adversário dos democratas, contudo as questões que gostaria de levantar são as seguites:
1ª: o que fará Mc Cain para combater o lobby sionista?
2ª: Mc Cain, como futuro sucessor de Bush, que posição tomará sobre a guerra no iraque?
Estas duas questões preocupam-me até porque nem Romney nem Giuliani estão à altura de Mc Cain e consequentemente da luta pela white house.
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