segunda-feira, setembro 29, 2008
Para quem tiver vagar: hoje, segunda-feira, à tarde, 16.00, na RTP Memória, a oportunidade de ver Mergulho no passado (The Swimmer, 1968), de Frank Perry, uma raridade que me parece já aqui ter referido. É um filme quase impossível, adaptação extraordinariamente bem sucedida de um tremendo conto do grande contista americano John Cheever, com um interpretação arrasadora de Burt Lancaster, num casting inesperado - para quem estivesse distraído (dez anos antes Lancaster tinha feito The Sweet Smell of Succes ,1957, de A. MacKendrick, e cinco anos antes O Leopardo, 1963, de Visconti).
sábado, setembro 20, 2008
Não me é possível muito mais do que fazer a lista de tudo o que os programas de televisão hoje oferecem em matéria de cinema (e só falo daqueles seis ou sete canais ao alcance de quase todas as bolsas), desde o que já passou ao que está para passar. Começando pelo fim: a RTP2 junta de novo Woody Allen e Akira Kurosawa, com dois títulos de peso, Mighty Aphrodite (Poderosa Afrodite, 1995) - é o filme com a fantástica réplica "Are you my three o'clock?", diz a rapariga de má-vida quando abre a porta ao protagonista - e O Trono de Sangue (Kumonosu jo, à letra "O castelo da teia de aranha" - é o que dizem - 1957), o primeiro com referências à mitologia grega (e incluindo um divertdíssimo coro grego que comenta a acção) e o segundo uma versão japonesa do Macbeth de Shakespeare que é um dos mais impressionantes filmes de Kurosawa. Às 22.45 e à meia-noite e vinte, respectivamente. O Hollywood já deu à tarde o mitológico Shane (George Stevens, 1953) e vai exibir às 19.00 A ilha das cabeças cortadas (Cutthroat Island, 1995), que não é nenhuma maravilha, mas apesar de dirigido pelo pesadão Renny Harlin se deixa ver e antecipou o filão dos "piratas das caraíbas" que faria a fortuna de Johnny Depp com o seu Capitão Jack Sparrow. Logo a seguir, às 21.00, de novo, a comédia romântica (?) - sempre a rever - When Harry Met Sally (Um amor inevitável, 1989, Rob Reiner), um filme essencial nas filmografias de Billy Crystal e Meg Ryan. Etc. No TCM, um dia em cheio, embora sem novidades; senão vejamos: às 20.00, Intriga internacional (North by Northwest, 1959), de Hitchcock; o Dinheiro do Céu, uma pungente e deprimente "comédia" musical de Dennis Potter, com a sordidez, o humor sardónico e a original veia dramática deste "filho de um mineiro escocês" (Pennies from Heaven, 1981), com Steve Martin, às 22.15; e por fim o clássico da screwball comedy, Arsenic and Old Lace, de Frank Capra (O mundo é um manicómio, 1944), 00.00. Chega?
Vou dar pela falta do episódico jornalismo deste escritor americano. Nunca consegui ler os romances dele (não são muitos, mas são milhares de páginas) - embora tenha pegado em Infinite Jest, o romance que o tornou célebre, e The Broom of the System, o seu primeiro romance e o único que tenho. Mas são inesquecíveis os artigos de D. F. W. sobre, por exemplo, David Lynch e sobre a língua inglesa (este último reeditado na colectânea de ensaios e crónicas Consider the lobster, que também inclui "Up, Simba", sobre John McCain - no ano 2000 - e "The View from Mrs. Johnson's", o 11 de Setembro visto do Illinois, duas magníficas peças de jornalismo político). O último livro publicado por D. F. W. é a republicação da referida peça sobre John Mc Cain:McCain' Promise: Aboard the Straight Talk Express with John McCain and a Whole Bunch of Actual Reporters, Thinking About Hope (Back Bay Books, paperback, Junho de 2008).
domingo, setembro 14, 2008
As noites de sábado na RTP2: mais uma sessão nipo-americana - com Woody Allen, desta vez, do lado de lá do Atlântico, e Akira Kurosawa, outra vez, do lado de cá do Pacífico. Bullets Over Broadway (1994) é um dos raros (mas não raríssimos) filmes "de época" de Allen, desta feita "anos vinte"; mas isso é o que menos importa: a ideia - excelente - é a de um gangster que é melhor dramaturgo do que os dramaturgos e só foi pena que os autores do filme não seguissem o exemplo dos homens de teatro da história e tivessem prestado atenção aos conselhos de Cheech (Chaz Palminteri); há duas notas falsas, acho eu, que impedem Balas sobre a Broadway de ser totalmente satisfatório: primeiro, está a mais a sequência do assassinato de uma das protagonistas, que bastava ter indicado com as respectivas imagens iniciais (e era muito fácil, como compreenderá facilmente quem tenha visto o filme) e, depois, o gangster personificado por Chazz Palminteri não devia morrer; estamos numa comédia e isto é cinema, pelo amor de Deus! Não me convém agora mas hei-de transcrever de Cinema e público em Portugal umas linhas de Manuel Gama sobre o happy end (citando o Thornton Wilder de "A nossa cidade" e The Ides of March) que vêm mesmo a calhar. A seguir foi a vez de Os sete samurais (Shichinin no samurai, 1954), penso que na versão mais extensa (208 minutos, vide o Guia de Leonard Maltin): está lá tudo.
quinta-feira, setembro 11, 2008
Obama estacionou, McCain arrancou. Passei uma semana nos Estados Unidos e vou tentar explicar, com tempo e lugar as razões do que está a acontecer, que como sabem os que nos lêem aqui e noutros lugares em nada nos surpreendem. Para já cito-
HOW OBAMA BLEW IT PAYS PRICE IN POLLS FOR BUNGLED ATTACKS ON SARAH YESTERDAY'S Gal lup poll had John McCain ahead of Barack Obama by an astonishing 10 points among likely voters. A Washington Post poll had that lead at only two points, but clearly showed a McCain surge - especially among women. This wasn't what Democrats were expecting when they left Denver - yet they have nobody to blame but themselves. Obama's toughest challenge has always been to connect with working-class swing voters. So attacking the poster child for small-town values, Sarah Palin, was a bad strategy. No, Obama didn't engage in the mass sneering at Palin - but he did fall into the trap of disrespecting her. When McCain chose her, the Obama campaign's first response was to ridicule the size of her town. Then the candidate himself began referring to her as a "former mayor" when she is in fact a sitting governor. When she retaliated (justifiably) by mocking his stint as a organizer, the Obama camp was clearly rattled. Obama himself actually began arguing about the importance of community organizing. His supporters amplified this cry - claiming Palin's attack was a racist slur and passing around e-mails titled "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor." Meanwhile, the rest of the country was probably wondering what being a community organizer has to do with being president. Lured by the McCain camp, Obama supporters engaged in an argument about who had more overall experience - the top of the Democratic ticket or the bottom of the GOP ticket. This diminished Obama. Meanwhile, the media lit up in all their cultural-elite splendor. Alaska? they sneered. It has the population of Las Vegas! Funny how the coastal elite only sneers at red states with small populations. Howard Dean hailed from a blue state with almost the same population as Alaska and was a national phenomenon and front-runner for the presidency. Joe Biden's Delaware has a similarly small population - but no mocking was forthcoming there. Evangelicals will never vote for a woman who works! they declared. This from people who've likely never met an evangelical in their lives. They could barely contain themselves when they found out Gov. Palin's daughter was pregnant, so sure were they that evangelicals would hang her from the highest tree. When evangelical leaders expressed support, there was a palpable disappointment that Palin or her daughter wasn't branded with a scarlet letter. They claimed that the Palin announcement was some desperate pick that came out of nowhere. Had they been doing their jobs, or even perusing The Weekly Standard or right-wing blogs, they'd have known that she was on the list. Since they didn't know anything about her, they started making things up. Anything that fit the caricature of a right-wing hypocrite was thrown up with, seemingly, no fact-checking. They said she opposes contraception, when she said in a campaign debate that she is pro-contraception. They said she cut funding for pregnant teens, when she provided a massive funding hike. They accused her of cutting funding for mentally disabled children, when she raised it 175 percent over the former administration. She was said to have been a member of the wacky Alaska Independence Party; The New York Times had to run a retraction. Like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Palin has been deemed one of the GOP's rising stars. Since it's national reporters job to cover American politics, their ignorance of about her is distressing. Most Americans think that the media are cheerleading for Obama, so they'll punish him for the reporters' and editors' sins. So now he is weighted down with more baggage as he works to convince an important voting bloc that he and his party don't hold them in contempt. The clock is ticking.
HOW OBAMA BLEW IT PAYS PRICE IN POLLS FOR BUNGLED ATTACKS ON SARAH YESTERDAY'S Gal lup poll had John McCain ahead of Barack Obama by an astonishing 10 points among likely voters. A Washington Post poll had that lead at only two points, but clearly showed a McCain surge - especially among women. This wasn't what Democrats were expecting when they left Denver - yet they have nobody to blame but themselves. Obama's toughest challenge has always been to connect with working-class swing voters. So attacking the poster child for small-town values, Sarah Palin, was a bad strategy. No, Obama didn't engage in the mass sneering at Palin - but he did fall into the trap of disrespecting her. When McCain chose her, the Obama campaign's first response was to ridicule the size of her town. Then the candidate himself began referring to her as a "former mayor" when she is in fact a sitting governor. When she retaliated (justifiably) by mocking his stint as a organizer, the Obama camp was clearly rattled. Obama himself actually began arguing about the importance of community organizing. His supporters amplified this cry - claiming Palin's attack was a racist slur and passing around e-mails titled "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor." Meanwhile, the rest of the country was probably wondering what being a community organizer has to do with being president. Lured by the McCain camp, Obama supporters engaged in an argument about who had more overall experience - the top of the Democratic ticket or the bottom of the GOP ticket. This diminished Obama. Meanwhile, the media lit up in all their cultural-elite splendor. Alaska? they sneered. It has the population of Las Vegas! Funny how the coastal elite only sneers at red states with small populations. Howard Dean hailed from a blue state with almost the same population as Alaska and was a national phenomenon and front-runner for the presidency. Joe Biden's Delaware has a similarly small population - but no mocking was forthcoming there. Evangelicals will never vote for a woman who works! they declared. This from people who've likely never met an evangelical in their lives. They could barely contain themselves when they found out Gov. Palin's daughter was pregnant, so sure were they that evangelicals would hang her from the highest tree. When evangelical leaders expressed support, there was a palpable disappointment that Palin or her daughter wasn't branded with a scarlet letter. They claimed that the Palin announcement was some desperate pick that came out of nowhere. Had they been doing their jobs, or even perusing The Weekly Standard or right-wing blogs, they'd have known that she was on the list. Since they didn't know anything about her, they started making things up. Anything that fit the caricature of a right-wing hypocrite was thrown up with, seemingly, no fact-checking. They said she opposes contraception, when she said in a campaign debate that she is pro-contraception. They said she cut funding for pregnant teens, when she provided a massive funding hike. They accused her of cutting funding for mentally disabled children, when she raised it 175 percent over the former administration. She was said to have been a member of the wacky Alaska Independence Party; The New York Times had to run a retraction. Like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Palin has been deemed one of the GOP's rising stars. Since it's national reporters job to cover American politics, their ignorance of about her is distressing. Most Americans think that the media are cheerleading for Obama, so they'll punish him for the reporters' and editors' sins. So now he is weighted down with more baggage as he works to convince an important voting bloc that he and his party don't hold them in contempt. The clock is ticking.
sábado, setembro 06, 2008
Nunca mais era sábado. Mas o programa de hoje - que por acaso é sábado - é irresistível. Na RTP 2, mais uma sessão dupla de primeira: às 22.45, Niágara (Niagara, 1953), com Marylin Monroe, num dos filmes que consagraram a sua star quality, e o maior intérprete no cinema americano da melancolia vulgar, Joseph Cotten, um homem íntegro, elegante, talentoso (e fraco?), um aristocrata, destinado sempre ao mais doloroso desencanto (a que Hitchcock, por uma vez, num dos seus melhores filmes, The shadow of a doubt, 1943, soube dar uma aura sinistra) - é um filme de Henry Hathaway, um dos muitos filmes notáveis deste veterano de "segunda linha", com uma fantástica fotografia a cores, um filme "negro" num technicolor "planturoso", como gostava de dizer Manuel Gama, patrono deste "diário", com fotografia de Joe MacDonald (e Lyle Wheeler na Art Direction - e o muito que haveria a dizer sobre este departamento da cinematografia, tão pouco lembrado, também chamado às vezes production design); a seguir, às 00.15, Cão danado (Nora inu, 1949) um filme de Akira Kurosawa, "mestre Akira Kurosawa" no chavão consagrado, o grande cineasta japonês de Os Sete Samurais, Trono de Sangue, etc., numa das suas incursões na contemporaneidade, um filme "negro", no Japão do pós-guerra. Chega.